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Studio+ Membership
We take on the stress of making sure your site is protected, maintained, backed up, and secure. Included for one year after we launch your site. STUDIO+ Membership is the new way to do maintenance and hosting.
We don’t want to leave you hanging once your site is launched. We will provide you a customized monthly report and quarterly strategy session with suggestions to improve results from your website.
You don’t need to hire an in-house employee or spend time yourself to maintain your website when you have direct access to our team through your dedicated digital marketing coordinator.
Most maintenance plans keep your website updated. Our plan includes an up-to-date privacy policy, terms of use, disclaimer, and website accessibility statement pages.
Others will tell you how many times they updated your website. We will recommend edits to improve conversions. Others will send you data and numbers. We will provide you with data interpretation so you understand what’s happening with your site.
Once a website is live, it’s not only important to protect it from malware and hackers that can take your site down and destroy your Google rankings but it’s also important to keep the tools in the site updated and to make sure the site as a whole is running quickly and efficiently.
Our monthly plan includes all that and more. Essentially, we’re on your side making sure that month to month your site is protected, updated, maintained, backed up, and is kicking butt online.
Studio+ Membership is Not an Apples to Apples Comparison to the Typical Hosting and Maintenance Plans Available
$199 / month
• Included for the first year for free on sites we build
• We offer a price break for multiple sites
• No contracts
• No initiation fee when we build the site
• No termination fees
If you don’t find the answers you are looking for here, please reach out to us and ask.
There is never a cost to leave.
If we are building or redesigning your site; there is no setup fee if you are joining our maintenance program straight away as part of the project.
For site we don’t build, there is a minimum $500 setup fee.
If we didn’t build your site the setup fee starts at $500. Contact us to get a setup fee quote
If you decide to decline our maintenance plan, there’s a lot that can go wrong. Here are the top reasons I recommend you make sure your website is maintained:
Negative on this one, ghost rider.
The retainer of hourly updates is just covered for that month.
If your site should get compromised while you’re on the plan – we’ll take care of cleaning the site and getting everything squared away with Google at no extra cost to you. But have no fear; to date – we’ve had ZERO hacks or breaches with any sites on our maintenance plan.
We’ll always try to get your updates done within 1 hour to save you some extra cost but if you have a decent amount of updates that will require more hours, we’ll give you an estimate of time and do that work for you at a discounted hourly rate.
Our current hourly rate is $195 / hour. On our maintenance and hosting plan, you only pay $95 / hour.
We can take care of getting the site cleaned for an initial cleanup fee starting at $500, then we can immediately get your site on our monthly plan to make sure it remains clean and protected form hacks.
We’re pretty darn quick around these parts. Our goal is to achieve your updates by the end of the next business day.
As a monthly client, you always get top priority compared to clients who aren’t on the plan.