Are you frustrated with the results you’re getting from your marketing efforts? You’re not alone. Many businesses struggle to understand how to optimize their marketing strategies for better outcomes. In this post, we’ll break down the essential components of an effective marketing strategy, using the example of a skate shop that was just a few tweaks away from breaking through their revenue growth barrier.

1. The Importance of Awareness

The first step in any marketing strategy is to create awareness. This involves both online and offline advertising. Online advertising can include Google ads, Facebook ads, and other social media ads, while offline advertising can range from radio ads to billboards and direct mailers. The skate shop in our example was doing an excellent job with offline advertising by sponsoring local events and equipping their team of skateboard influencers with branded apparel.

2. Standing Out in the Consideration Stage

Once potential customers are aware of your business, the next step is to stand out in the consideration stage. This involves having a unique website, a strong social media presence and updated Google Business and Apple Business profiles. The skate shop was excelling in this area, with thousands of Instagram followers and a top ranking on Google for various related search terms.

3. Optimizing the Purchase Experience

The purchase experience is critical. This includes having a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to collect contact information and follow up with customers. Unfortunately, the skate shop was missing this crucial element, which hindered their ability to engage with past customers and invite them back for future promotions or events. Implementing a CRM and sending follow-up emails or creating a loyalty program could significantly improve their revenue.

4. Turning Customers into Advocates

The final stage is turning customers into advocates. This involves encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews and make referrals. The skate shop had no system in place to follow up with customers and ask for reviews, missing out on valuable word-of-mouth marketing.

Bringing It All Together

By understanding and implementing these four stages—awareness, consideration, purchase, and advocacy—you can create a comprehensive marketing strategy that drives results.

If you’re interested in learning more about creating an effective marketing strategy for your business, download our free business marketing e-book. It’s packed with tips and strategies to help you optimize your marketing efforts and see real results.