During a recent trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina, my family and I stumbled upon a restaurant with a simple, yet brilliant marketing strategy. What started as a fun dining experience quickly turned into an unforgettable memory—all because of a little game of Yahtzee. Let me explain how this one unique element made us return, and how businesses everywhere can use similar tactics to create loyal customers.

1. The Power of Surprise and Delight

When we first visited the restaurant, we were already impressed by the food and atmosphere. But what really set the experience apart was what happened at the end. Instead of just handing us the bill, they brought out a Yahtzee cup. We were given two chances to roll a Yahtzee, and if we did, the meal would be free. It was such a fun and unexpected moment that it made the dining experience unforgettable. This element of surprise and delight turned us from satisfied customers into raving fans.
  • Takeaway: Find small, fun ways to surprise your customers. This creates a lasting emotional connection with your brand.

2. Turning Customers into Advocates

After our experience, we couldn’t stop talking about it. I immediately left a glowing review on Google and posted pictures on social media. The restaurant had done a fantastic job encouraging this, with their Instagram handle and hashtags painted on the wall, making it easy for customers to share their experiences. By doing something different and fun, the restaurant created natural advocates—customers who actively promote the business.
  • Takeaway: Give your customers something unique to talk about, and they’ll help spread the word for you.

3. Enhancing the Customer Experience

It’s easy to focus solely on the product or service when marketing a business, but the customer experience is just as important. This restaurant didn’t rely on promotions or discounts to keep us coming back—it was the experience that made us return. The fun atmosphere and unique twist at the end were key elements that enhanced our overall experience.
  • Takeaway: Don’t just think about the transaction; think about how your customers feel during and after their experience with your business.

4. Creating a Raving Fan Base

There are three types of customers: the silently satisfied, the raving fans, and the roaring critics. This restaurant transformed us from silently satisfied into raving fans with a simple game. We returned for the experience, and we’re sharing it with others. The goal for any business should be to move more of your silently satisfied customers into the raving fan category.
  • Takeaway: Focus on creating experiences that inspire your customers to promote your business naturally.

5. What Chance Did This Restaurant Take?

According ChatGBT, the probability of rolling a Yahtzee in two full rolls (rolling all five dice each time) is about 0.154%, or roughly 1 in 649. In other words, they don’t give out a lot of free meals, and the return is well worth the “risk” they took. It’s this kind of abundance thinking that is making this business a real winner.


The restaurant in Buenos Aires showed us how small, creative touches can have a big impact on customer loyalty. By adding a fun, interactive element to their service, they transformed a typical dining experience into something memorable and shareable. If you’re a business owner, think about how you can incorporate similar strategies to enhance your customer experience and create raving fans. Sometimes, all it takes is a little creativity to make a lasting impression.